
Sierra MC Private Ride Day 8/10/2013

Fun, that's what private ride days are all about. A bunch of like minded guys out having FUN! No mini bikes, no RV wannabees just guys out to have a good day riding. An uncrowded track, relaxed format, perfectly prepped track, nobody trys to stuff you in a corner and a free hot lunch. WOW! It's all about FUN. Where can you find such a day? Well you might get yourself to the MMX sand track in Marysville, CA this Saturday. Not only will you enjoy a great day of riding but the burgers are always good and they have a really cool raffle. At the last ride day I saw one lucky rider go home with one of those really high quality Works Connection bike stands.


                                        Sierra MC and MMX Presaent a Private Ride Day!

                                                           All 30+ Riders Are Invited

                                                                Saturday Aug. 10th

                                                                        9am - 3pm

                                                $35. Includes Entry, Lunch and a Raffle Ticket

                                                                   Gates Open 8:30

                                                  981 Shad Road Marysville, CA 95901

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