
Benefit Ride Day for Brooke!

The response to this Benefit Ride for Brooke has been exceptional. The motorcycle industry has once again shown why this is such a great community. The raffle will be spectacular. Come out Sunday have a good time and support a good cause.


We all know there is danger in riding motorcycles and we accept that fact. However, how do you deal with the totaly unexpected. Life is not fair and sometimes bad things happen to really good people. Josh Beaubier and his family are good people faced with a big challenge. Those of you in N. CA may know Josh from all his time in the motorcycle industry. One of the things I've learned about the motorcycle culture is we always help when we can. I encourage  you to make it out to Prairie City OHV for some riding on a perfectly prepped mx track next weekend, March 16th. There will be a huge raffle and all proceeds go to help the Beaubier family.

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