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Great Customer Service!

Many moto guys use road cycling for a training tool. It is a great way to get fit without impact on our bodies. I've been road cycling for years and recently had a experience worth sharing. I believe in letting people know when I come across a company that takes exceptional care of it's customers. I went looking for a new saddle for my Kestrel bicycle. All of the dealers I visited told me I could not get one. They said I would have to buy one of their brands. I found that odd so I called the company. WOW! They were friendly, they listened, they explained they did not sell accessories but the woman said she would see what she could find and would call me back. Yeah we've all heard that before. Well she did call me within the hour and she solved my problem. I have a new Kestrel saddle on my bike today. Professional, friendly, they listened, they took action........you can't really ask for more.

The market is full of bike companies selling some very good bikes. If you in the market for a new training tool or just someting to ride be sure to look at Kestrel. They make a great bike and they not only understand customer service they practice it.

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